Sunday, June 13, 2010

Social Media - BizzBuzz

On May 27th I had the pleasure of participating in the Syracuse Bizz Buzz conference. A venue to cover all things Social Media - LinkedIn, facebook, twitter, youtube, web.... Lately I have had the desire to get myself out there and push the envelope. So, I volunteered to present on the topic "Email Marketing". I am not a pro for that topic, but I do have some experience (maintain a list of ~1000 SAP contacts; maintain a list of ~2000 Syracuse area geeks - in which I send marketing/networking updates periodically). Alas, this opportunity never came to fruition as it was cut from the schedule. So I was downgraded to 'YouTube' expert where I would assist conference attendees with their Youtube issues during the practice cafe. Again I am not exactly a guru (have one video uploaded), but I prepared and I can improvise.

One person asked for assistance who was having trouble uploading videos for his camping website. Depending on the size of the file it could take some time to upload, so don't try it with dial up. Another girl asked for help, but she was more interested in using my computer to check on her tweets (mobile devices were not working very well in the Oncenter lower level). Lastly a colleague of mine was asking me for help with a technical problem she was having with her computer. After a few minutes of problem solving and google searching (isn't google the answer to everything?) I fixed her issue. Overall a satisfying pratice cafe session (did I mention the tweeting girl was cute?).

I was also able to attend the rest of the conference where I picked up lots of interesting tidbits. For example:
YouTube -

Glenn Allen
Syracuse, NY